
Puss in Boots Halloween Makeup

10:49 AM

Hey everyone. I'm home sick from work today since I woke up feeling rather pukey. Bad news for me, GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! A new blog post. XD

So, I absolutely love dressing up. I am a theater geek at heart and participated in school plays and musicals from 7th grade until my senior year of high school. I feel like Halloween is one of those times where you can have a great excuse to be really creative not just with the costume but also the MAKEUP! I know I teased my Halloween costume before in the Snowy Ice Princess tutorial with my cosplay cat ears and paws I got. Well I did a little DIY at the last minute to make the rest of my outfit for Puss in Boots.

I bought a foam pirate hat, sword, feather, and ribbon from Michaels. Luckily, with coupons in tow, my total was less than $11! Process: black-out pirate print, hot glue ribbon to edge of hat, glue side of hat up with feather.

Then I cut holes into the hat and pinned the cat ears on both sides. Masking taped the inside so the pins didn't snag my hair. ^^

And here is a look at my makeup. Can you tell my foundation is 2-toned?

Here's a list of what I used:

Graftobian Hi-Def Foundation Palette (lightest foundation for around
mouth and eyes, darker orangey foundation for cheeks, nose, and forehead)
Graftobian Concealer Palette
MAC Blot Powder

Mac Fluidline in Blacktrack (contour sides of nose, outline cat nose)
NYX Cream Blush in Glow
Ben Nye Grande Lumiere Palette (Ice + Azalea)

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Ben Nye Grande Lumiere Palette (Iced Gold and Tangerine)
Revlon Colorstay Quad in Copper Spice (dark brown for contour)
MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack
Urban Decay 24/7 pencil in Zero
False Lashes from Sugar Cosmetics and Model21
GEO Annex Ring Black circle lenses

Graftobian Concealer Palette (upper lip and edges of lower lip)
NYX Round Lipstick in Doll (dabbed on inside of lower lip)

A couple better pics with the hat on!

This reminds me of Captain Kangaroo for some reason. Anyone else remember that show?

My full costume. I already had the top, skirt, and bustier.

And a couple from the party! You can see a bit of my tail here.

What is this gorilla behind me?! (you can see how short I am here, LOL)

The gorilla of my dreams! <3

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween! Let me know what you dressed up as in the comments! ^^

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  1. that costume is adorable, really like how creative your makeup is <3

  2. haha.. omg! how cuuute!! love love the nose and eyes =D ohh, would've love to see a vid tut on it.. =D

  3. I LOVE that this costume is so cute & pretty w/o being the slightest bit hoochy. Love the eyes, that gold looks really good.

  4. Your nose is amazingly adorable, haha! Love your costume! Your eyes are also perfect, btw

  5. OMG!!! i super love that outfit of yours!!!! great costume!! very cute! and the gorilla was AWESOME!

  6. omgosh that looks SO good!!
    the contacts were perfect for that doe eyed puss in boots look!
    I love it!
    Great job!

  7. Awww very cute! I love the nose! :3

  8. OMG that is a super cute costume! I like how your eyes looked kitten like and how you made your little kitty nose. Very unique!

  9. you look soooooo pretty! i'm so used to seeing the revealing halloween costumes and such, this is so refreshing and adorable :) are those contacts? cause you're totally pulling off the "puppy-dog eyes" or in this case "kitty" haha.

    love the look! hope you had fun :)

  10. Awww you look adorable! So unique <3

  11. Wow, your makeup looks almost natural! LOVE how you used two tones of foundation to resemble a cat so naturally. You actually resemble that second picture of the cat from Shrek (I forgot his name). I love your circle lenses and lashes btw! :D

  12. Your costume is too cute! i can't believe you thought of all of that and actually managed to put it together. you're amazing!

  13. So adorable! Which number of the sugar and model 21 lashes did you use?

  14. this is the best halloween look I've seen so far!! Too cute~

  15. you look gorgeous!
    love the makeup and outfit :)

  16. The make-up looks awesome! Makes you look just like the female version of puss in boots! Haha! Such cute costume!

  17. Ahhhh Jenn, I sorta wish you put this up sooner.
    Def. put on a tutorial on youtube for next year. this is a greatttt idea.
    i have a shimmery orange/gold shadow i never ever use and now i know exactly where to use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. OMG you were sooo adorable! May I ask where you purchased your boots!? I LOVE THEM!

  19. Wow the costume is so cute, and I really like the nose, it really looks like a cat's nose :)

  20. you look super kawaii!! Love love your eyes and nose X3 <3<3 great job on the costume so creative! <3

  21. wow you're so creative!:) thank you for sharing how you made your costume.i'm conservative and i really like what you did.;)you look great!:D

  22. you look so cute! love the nose esp. :)

  23. echo all the other comments. your cat nose is so cute!

  24. That is just too cute! Love how you did your eyes! (^-^*)

  25. your nose is so cute!! I thought it was real at first T__T Like, I thought it was one of those stick on nose things...then I looked closely, lol. I would love a vid tut on this costume...it looks so cute. :D (but I'm still obsessed with the nose, haha)

  26. hahaha omg so cute!!! the pleading eyes made me squeal

  27. You are the BEST Puss in Boots ever!

  28. This is such a cuuute costume! I loved Puss in Boots in that movie hehehe. You did such a great job with the hat!

  29. I love how you did your nose, it's so cute. And the sword has a pink handle lol!!! <3 You're so creative, the whole costume is adorable. Thanks for sharing~ =D

  30. what an awesome outfit! affordable and cute! and love the nose as well! haha! ;P can't wait to read more from your blog :)

  31. THE CUTEST COSTUME IDEA EVER! You look so awwwwwwwwdorable!!!

  32. you and your husband look adorable! :P i love your costume :)

  33. You look so adorable! :D Love your make-up.

  34. Such an adorable costume! You're beautiful! Hope you feel better soon!

  35. You have the cutest eyes here! Love this halloween outfit!

  36. hahahahaha!!!
    the last two pictures made me laugh so hard! i love both of your costumes! your costumes are always so creative jen :)

  37. i saw your look on temptalia! haha i had to go to your blog asap so i could check out the full look. Great job! It looks awesome!

  38. Great costume!! LOVE the makeup, the nose is a brilliant idea!

  39. That's the cutest little kittycatnose I've ever seen!!!!

  40. this is such a cute look ! Well done you.

  41. omg that was just so cute! really clever outfit :)

  42. I'll be showing this post to my friend who also went as a cat!
    Except all she did was draw whiskers with a eyeliner...-___-
    You put her to shame :P

  43. this is adorableeee .. and original too! haha it looks great on you

    i just wanted to leave a comment bc i've been a silent reader for a long time now .. but i think it's about time you know how much i absolutely love and appreciate your blog (and the time you dedicate to it)! keep it up (:

  44. what a clever CUTE costume! you make such a good puss in boots!

  45. WOW great makeup. good job!!!!

  46. you look absolutely adorable!

  47. You're so talented and beautiful!
    Great costume!!!
    And since you asked in your post ... :P This halloween I dressed up as a dark fairy (not very original I know but it was a last minute decision).
    Kisses from Italy

  48. Awwwwww, the big circle lenses totally make you look like Puss in Boots! So cute! Without the need to be skanky!

    I was Holly Golightly. It was such a mission getting the beehive and french twist to stay in all night. :O

    xx. Blaire.

  49. I love this one^_^ I'm thinking of making a cute nose make up like this also :) but I want it to look like a mouse ^,^

  50. Omg this is the best costume ever. You're a genius lol!

  51. Lovely.! u should make a video.. looks easy but... we can't know it for sure xD

